Here’s my morning routine once I’ve made coffee. I grasp the banister leading down to my studio with my left hand while doing my best to not drip from the mug in my right. At the landing I make my way straight to the watercolor table . . . š¶ A n t i c i p a t i o n . . . š¶ because, if I’ve left this space the way I love it, it is with something unfinished… when I left it yesterday it was still drying… I can hardly wait to see what’s next to do. Is it finished? This is the problem solving time – assess, consider options… āļø(coffee emoji)

Watercolor is not my only medium. In fact, I came to love this habit late in my career. It snuck up on me as I learned to use it working with sufferers of Alzheimers disease. It’s so fun to play with! Not that it is an easy medium to work with. Not by any means; it is probably the most difficult in my humble opinion, and the least forgiving. But if you just want to goof around and have fun, it’s a blast.

I had been using scraps of paper at first, but soon realized good watercolor paper makes for better fun. Then I started using my little experiments for Bookmarks. Then bigger pieces for Postcards to send to family & friends. Then larger papers folded into blank Greeting Cards. Finally I $prang for nice paper with matching envelopes and have so many extra watercolor exercises I’m putting them on my Etsy Shop for sale. This is my spiel:
“I enjoy painting notecards as warm-up exercises: a way to test various color combinations, designs and motifs. If they turn out nice, I send them to family and friends. No two are alike; freehand, including my unique quirks and slips. They are originals – not prints! But since they are exercises and may include bloopers, I put a lower price on them. It’s still quality paint & paper and interesting composition. You will find them in my notecard section $4 each, free postage š “